Oregon Explored
rock climbing
Smith Rock
Will Smith Rock
10:38:00 AM
Last week I finally made it out to Smith Rock and had the opportunity to climb the best quality rock I've ever gripped. Places like this make me continue to wonder why we didn't move here a long time ago.
Fortunately I've regained feeling in my fingertips and can type about how rad it was to doing a huge multipitch as the sun went down and bats are buzzing by my face. Every so often I hear a loud splash, assuming someone did a cannonball into the river, but to my surprise I see a Bald Eagle flying away with a fish gripped tightly within his or her talons. Nature was overwhelming my senses to the 5th power.
Fuzzy photo of a bald eagle before swooping down to take a fish on a joy ride. I need to bring a telephoto lens everywhere I go from now on.