4:17:00 PMClimbing into a abandoned building inhabited by very friendly homeless people you say? Sure, why not. I was a little put off by the mystery liquid that the man was dumping all over the steps as we approached the stairs. Peepee if I had to guess. Never the less, Wednesday was pretty fun.
Homeless man was actually very nice. Lots of people come in there to take photos, so besides that he smells like an anus, and poured his human waste in our walkway, he was a perfect gentleman.
Little freaked out to know what was slung all over our backs. I am just going to assume the worst. Bum shit, asbestos, peepee, and rain water. Look for this to pop up in a project I am working on this summer.
Some parts of St Louis look surprisingly unlike St Louis. Imagine if all these buildings were thriving businesses, rather than abandoned ghost buildings filled with squatters. Looks kind of Like a mini Dumbo or Bushwick. PS. there was a rap video being filmed a couple blocks away. It was probably a local youtube stl rapper... rapping on youtube.
Mopeds are getting lots of attention on my blog these days. I need to pay a little attention to my triumph, or it's probably going to leave me. So, while I am on the subject, check this out. What a wonderful trove of vintage moped images.